All subscriptions renew automatically until cancelled. See the Cancel Subscription page.
Thank You
A fan-made project of this scale and quality is both costly and time-consuming to run. Your contributions directly help us sustain and improve our community and game server each month.

Upkeep and Maintenance

Domain and Hosting

Future Updates

Paid Commissions
Select your Contribution

$5.99 USD / Per Month
Storage and boosts
- 1.2x boost to skill and class experience
- 7 additional slots to personal storage
voiceline packs
- Citizen - Half-Life 2
- Vortigaunt - Half-Life 2
- 10 additional custom faction logos
- 12 additional character animations
- Customize Discord nickname
- Image, files and embed permissions
- Access to Café Baltic voice channel
- View developer Github Commits channel

$14.99 USD / Per Month
Queue priority
- Priority position in full server queue
- Priority position in full player class queue
Storage and boosts
- 1.5x boost to skill and class experience
- 21 additional slots to personal storage
- 2x additional slots to faction storage
voiceline packs
- Citizen - Half-Life 2
- Citizen - Half-Life 2: Episode One
- Citizen - Half-Life 2: Episode Two
- Vortigaunt - Half-Life 2
- Vortigaunt - Half-Life: Alyx
- Vortigaunt - Half-Life 2: Episode Two
- 20 additional custom faction logos
- 31 additional character animations
- Customize Discord nickname
- Image, files and embed permissions
- Access to Café Baltic voice channel
- Access to Terminal Hotel voice channel
- View developer Github Commits channel
- Set a voice channel status
- Access to Discord activities